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Nun s pass a scop n'comp e pier

Nun s pass to scop n'comp and pier

A woman who inadvertently touched her feet with the broom was not considered good at housework and, consequently, would never marry again.

Nun adda' care' l'uohli' n'terr

Nun adda' care' l'uohli' n'terr

Oil was and is a precious commodity, dropping it on the ground is a harbinger of misfortune in the home.

Nun s' pass sotto a' scal

No one passed under the scal

Whoever passes under the ladder brings misfortune upon himself

Nun s'arap o mbriell int a' cas

Nun s'arap o mbriell int a' cas

Whoever opened an umbrella at home did not show respect to the Sun god, therefore even today opening an umbrella at home brings misfortune to one's family.

Nun s' appoja o' cappiell ncop o liett

Nun s' appoja o' cappiell ncop or liett

Placing a hat on the bed of a house is a sign of bad luck for the person who occupies it.

O' Pan sott e' ncopp

O' Pan sotto e' ncopp

You don't put bread upside down at the table, because it brings misfortune.